Love's Loss

Author: KanDo


Rating: R/NC-17/Sexual Situations

Pairing: Sam/original Female

Warnings: Original Character death

Spoilers: None, Set somewhere in mid-season 3

**Disclaimers: The characters of Stargate SG-1 are property of Showtime, MGM, Gekko Productions, Double Secret, and any others that have a say in the production of this wonderful show. No copyright infringement is intended or implied. No money is being made on this story, it is purely for the enjoyment of my readers. I am merely borrowing the characters for a while and promise to return them in the same, if not better condition that I found 'em in. Original characters/situations are sole property of the author.

"The Dance" is sung by Garth Brooks and was written by Tony Arata. No copyright infringement is intended or implied. Again no money exchanged hands. Thanks guys for saying it so elegantly.

"You're Gone" is sung by Lonestar. Again no copyright infringements intended or implied. No money was made in the usage of the song. This is how it feels when things end and I couldn't have said it any better.


For SG-1, days off were few and far between. Being on the front line of the battle for the continuing safety of Earth, this team was seen on duty almost twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week at the SGC. So when the team found itself with a rare forty-eight hour leave, each member found their own way to decompress.

Daniel would almost always take some artifact or specimen of an ancient culture home to study. Jack would go home and watch a sports game of some sort--even when it meant watching a high school team's weekly game. In his eyes, a game was a game, something to fill up the time that would sometimes stretch like an eternity before him. Teal'c would spend his time off learning more about the cultures of this planet.

Sam, on the other hand, was usually happy to find herself free of the duties and responsibilities that made up her life. The time off was used to do "normal" things--cooking her own meals, shopping and the occasional visit with her family.

This time however, when the team found itself on stand down, Sam was at the local bar trying to drown her sorrows in alcohol.

The team's last mission had gone so horribly and disastrously wrong. It was supposed to have been an easy mission, diplomatic in nature. Granted diplomacy wasn't SG-1's strongest attribute, that was more SG-8's territory, they had been willing to do this "meet and greet" with the people of P4C849, or Secaria as it was now known.

Sam caught the bartender's attention and signaled for him to bring her another shot. This would be the fourth in as many minutes.

"You better slow it down there, Sam. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." The bartender said as he passed her the drink.

"S'ok. I'm fine, Steve. I'm doing just fine." Sam picked up the shot, saluted Steve and downed it quickly. Slamming the glass back on the bar, she ordered another. "Gimme another one and make it a double this time."

"Sure, Sam. Give me a minute." Steve went to the register and picked up the phone extension there. Quickly dialing a number, he was terse with the person who had answered. "Can you come down here? No. No big problem. There's just someone here that's going need a ride home if she keeps on drinking the way she is." He was quiet for a moment. "Yeah, how'd you guess?" He was silent for a few more moments. "Yeah. I'll do my best to keep her here. Thanks." Steve then replaced the phone on its base and poured the drink Sam had requested. Placing the glass in front of her, he asked, "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Nope. Nothing. Nada." Sam told him and began to stare into the glass.

Steve watched her for a moment and then walked to the other end of the bar where another had called for his services.

Sam sat staring into her glass, the clear liquid a poor substitute for the companionship she so desperately needed. But, there was no one that could or would understand why she was so upset by the events that had happened. It wasn't as if the SGC hadn't lost personnel to a Goa'uld attack before--there were several occasions where that scenario had happened. But in her time at the SGC, never had the person been under her protection.

General Hammond had entrusted Sam with the safety of the additional member of the team. "Some job I did there, huh, Jenna?" She mumbled aloud to no one in particular, then slammed the shot back, welcoming the burning sensation as it went down.

Setting the glass back on the bar, Sam heard the jukebox start up with a song that brought the memories crashing back in a huge wave.

// Looking back on the memory of //
// The dance we shared 'neath the stars above //
// For a moment all the world was right //
// How could I have known that you'd ever say good-bye //

Tears began to form in Sam's eyes. Part of the last conversation that she had shared with Jenna before leaving for Secaria, had been about this song and its message.

// And now I'm glad I don't know //
// The way it all would end, the way it all would go //
// Our lives are better left to chance, I could have missed the pain //
// But I'd of had to miss the dance //

As the tears started slipping down her cheeks, Sam began to remember the events of the past week.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Good morning, everyone. This briefing is on planet P4C849." General Hammond began as soon as the members of SG-1 were seated. "We have been invited by the governing body of this world to attend a diplomatic conference."

"Uh, Sir. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't SG-8 in charge of those types of missions?" Jack broke into Hammond's opening.

"They usually are Colonel. But the elders of this planet have somehow heard of SG-1's accomplishments and have convinced their governing members to meet with you and your team."

"Well then. We better not disappoint them." Jack started to sketch on his notepad. "What type of world do we have here?"

"The MALP sent back information that this planet was within terran norms for all conditions. There is only one slight problem."

"And that would be?" Jack asked.

"They don't speak English."

"What language do they speak?" Daniel asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I'll let Lieutenant O'Shea explain that." Hammond had looked up and seen that she had arrived. "Come in, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, Sir." The voice coming from the door way caused Sam to sit up a little straighter in her chair.

"I apologize for my tardiness. I'm still trying to find my way around here." Lieutenant O'Shea's voice carried the hint of an accent that Sam had only heard once before, but the name was different from what she remembered.

And as she walked into view, Sam saw that she was tall and lean, with long brunette hair, which she had pulled into a french braid. She was definitely familiar, but this couldn't be who Sam was thinking it was. She would never have let her hair grow long.

"Please take a seat. We were just beginning to discuss the language of the transmission we received from P4C849, and why you were brought here."

She took a seat at the table opposite end from Hammond. "Actually, sir, the transmission included the name of the planet you are referring to. They call their world Secaria. And from what I could tell, they speak a mixed variation of Gaelic." She stopped for a moment. "I'm sorry, I should have properly introduced myself before I let my excitement carry me away. I'm Lt. Jenna O'Shea. And my specialty is computers." She looked around the table at the four unfamiliar faces that were gathered around there.

As she met the eyes of the team, each spoke their name.

"Colonel Jack O'Neill." He announced with a wave of his hand.

"Dr. Daniel Jackson. You're not a linguist?" He asked and Jenna shook her head no.

"Greetings Lt.O'Shea. I am Teal'c."

And as Jenna looked toward the final person in the group, flashes of recognition passed across both their faces.

"Major Samantha Carter, but--"

"You prefer to be called Sam." The major just nodded, silent for once. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Jenna opened her notebook and put a sheet of her notes on top of her pile. "Now, you are probably curious as to why I am here."

"That's a good place to start." Jack began then turned to Hammond. "How did you know that this was a language she could understand and not our illustrious Dr. Jackson?"

"One of the technical staff heard the transmission and said that it sounded like something he had heard before. When I questioned him about it, he informed me that he had learned a few words of a language which sounded very similar."

"Tech. Sergeant Milovovich?"

"Yes." Hammond seemed surprised. "Have you spoken to him recently?"

"No, I haven't seen him for a couple of years, but he is only one of a few that I tried to teach." Jenna smiled. "I'm surprised he remembered. But that is another topic for another time." Jenna looked at her notes again, not wanting to meet Sam's gaze, for she was also one of the few Jenna had tried to teach. "I have to admit that this is all a surprise to me. That there are others out there in the universe, and that they speak a language found here on Earth. Only two days ago, I was like a lot of others on this world, who only believe that life had to exist somewhere out there in the galaxy. Now I have proof." She said with a glance at Teal'c.

"How do you know how to speak Gaelic? Isn't that what's spoken in Ireland?" Jack asked with eyebrow raised.

"It is spoken in one form or another all throughout Ireland, Scotland and Wales, just to name a few. And as to how I learned it, I'm third generation American. My grandparents were from Ireland, and they insisted that their only granddaughter know how to speak the old language. They were so insistent in fact, that I could speak Gaelic and it's variations before I could speak English. That and there were a lot summers spent with my cousins in Ireland."

"Well, now that we know how you learned the language that got you here, why don't you share the contents of the message with us."

"Yes, Colonel." She turned to the next sheet in her notebook. "Some of it was difficult to translate. It has the common root of what is currently spoken here. But," she turned another page, "the meaning of the message is pretty clear. They are requesting the "prime representatives" of our world to join them in a "meeting of great importance" for them. Some of it after that is kind of sketchy, but I feel that the basic meaning of the message is for a team of five to go through the "mystic circle" and attend whatever it is that they consider a meeting. And they wish to start this conference as quickly as possible."

"A team of five? Why the odd number? And who are you going to send with us?" Jack fired out the questions before anyone else had a chance to speak.

"A group of five could represent all of the elements."

"Um, Daniel." Jack started. "Aren't there only four? Earth, wind, water and fire?"

"Some would consider the soul or spirit the fifth element."

"I would have to say that since this is a world that speaks the language of the Druids, that spirituality could be considered the fifth element."

Daniel then Jenna answered in quick succession.

"But we've never really discovered for sure that the Druids--"

"Ok, ok. That's good enough for me." Jack stopped the pair in mid-ramble. He turned to Hammond. "So who is going to be the fifth person for this mission, Sir?"

"I have given it some thought since the Lieutenant and I spoke when she arrived yesterday. She will be joining your team on this mission."

"But, sir, she's never even been through the gate before. How do I know that she's even a good candidate for this mission?"

"Not that I need to explain my decisions to you, colonel, but she can speak the basic language, if not the dialect. She also has a strong service record."

"What about combat training?" Jack was dragging his heels at having to bring a newcomer on a mission.

"Jack," Daniel started, "if you remember--on that first mission through the Gate, I didn't have any training either."

"That was different."

"How is that different, Colonel?" Jenna fixed him with a steely glare. "Are you implying that if I were a man, you wouldn't have a problem with my assumed lack of combat knowledge?"

"I didn't exactly say that."

"You may as well have phrased it that way. Colonel, I have been in the Air Force for ten years, and in that time, I have been certified several times over for combat readiness. I just haven't had the opportunities that you've had to prove myself in battle. Sir." She added as an afterthought.

"That's enough people." Said Hammond, who had been silent through their debate. "Colonel, she is going with you for this mission and that is final." He looked around at everyone. "Your assignments are as follows:

"Colonel, you will lead this team to the best of your abilities in establishing a diplomatic relationship with the people of Secaria. Major Carter, you will be responsible for finding out if there are any technological or medical breakthroughs on this planet. Dr. Jackson, you will assist Lt. O'Shea in any necessary translation or linguistic work. Teal'c, if there is or ever was a Goa'uld presence on this world, I want to make sure we know about it. Lt. O'Shea, you're part in this mission is to provide translations between your team and the elders of Secaria. You will also assist Major Carter in the search for new technology." Hammond scanned the faces of those gathered around the table. "Are there any questions?" There were none. "Good. You will depart at 0900 hours. Dismissed."

Everyone gathered their respective paperwork and departed to gather the supplies they would need on this journey.

"Major Carter?" Hammond called to Sam as she reached the door and was about to exit after everyone else.

She turned to face him. "Yes, Sir?"

"Take the Lieutenant to the armory. I don't want her getting lost again before the mission."

"I will Sir."

"And one more thing, Major." Hammond was silent for a moment.


"Keep an eye out for her. Don't let Colonel O'Neill discourage her from wanting to go on any future missions."

"Yes, Sir. I will."

"Thank you, Major." Hammond replied.

"You're welcome, Sir." Sam answered and continued on her way.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When Sam exited the briefing room, she was thinking of where Jenna might have ended up in her search for the armory. So lost in thoughts was she, that at first the words that Jenna spoke didn't reach her.

"Sam?" Jenna tried again. "Sam? Are you ok? You seem kinda lost."

"What?" Sam jumped when she noticed that Jenna was right at her side and walking in step with her.

"Jenna? How...? Why...?" Sam stuttered and stopped walking.

"Hello. It's good to see you again too." Jenna gave her a soft smile. "Is this a surprise or what?"

"Yeah. I think you can say that." For once Sam was at a loss for words.

"How have you been? Why did you cut your hair?" Jenna asked softly.

"I've been ok I guess. And I did it not too long after you were transferred, my way of remembering you. You were the only one who liked it long."

A small smile swept over Jenna's features. "I've missed you, you know." She stated softly.

Sam nodded and asked, "When did you change your name?"

"Oh, about four years ago. I got married." She told her gently, knowing what Sam's reaction would be.

As a flash of pain crossed her face, Sam started, "That was just after we...." Sam stopped as an Airman walked by.

"Is there someplace a little more private where we can continue this?"

Sam nodded and glanced at her watch. "We don't have much time before we leave."

"Even a little time is better than none at all, Sam."

"Let's stop by the armory first to get set for the mission."

For the next few minutes, silence prevailed as they went about selecting a side arm for each of them. Field packs with several days' rations and equipment were next, and the final items were the devices that sent out the remote code that was used by every off-world team.

Jenna followed Sam quietly and they soon found themselves in Sam's office. Closing the door behind them, Sam set her items down and motioned for Jenna to do the same.

"Why did you get married? And why didn't you let me know?"

"I wasn't sure where you were sent. I couldn't bring myself to find you. And at the time, I thought that marrying a nice respectable man like Mark would make the rumors about us stop." Tears began to form in her eyes. "Sam, we weren't careful enough. There were some that were highly suspicious of us." Jenna angrily swiped at some tears that had spilled onto her cheeks. "Do you know what I had to deal with? What I went through?"

Sam went to Jenna and wrapped her arms around her. Hugging her close, Sam caught a hint of the perfume that Jenna wore. 'Vanilla Fields.' Sam thought and then inhaled deeply. 'After all these years, she's still wearing the perfume I once gave to her.'

"I never knew it was so bad for you. I never suspected that anyone knew."

"God, Sam. We were infatuated with one another back then. I don't think that we were aware of the little conversations going on behind our backs." Jenna pulled back a little to look the major in the eyes. "Even with all the Hell I went through and the sham of a marriage to Mark, I still love you and want to be with you." Jenna tried to smile through her tears. "There's a line from a song that goes: "I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance." That's how I feel Sam. I could have decided not to love you, to not want you in my life, but I risked everything to follow my heart. For once in my life, I wasn't going to have regrets. I loved you then and I want to love you now, despite the fact I might lose everything I've worked for. Fate's giving us a second chance, Sam. What do you say?"

Sam was quiet for a moment, absorbing the words that Jenna had spoken. Then, bringing a hand up to cradle Jenna's cheek, Sam pulled her close and began to kiss her.

Their soft lips met in a kiss that was sweet and gentle--a reminder of all that they had shared. But before it could go any further, Sam pulled away.

"Jenna, are you sure?" Sam whispered and looked down.

Jenna reached up to tuck a lock of hair behind Sam's ear. Tracing a line down her cheek to her chin, Jenna gently lifted Sam's head. Looking her in the eyes, "Remember "The Dance", Sam. 'Our lives are better left to chance, I could have missed the pain, but I'd of had to miss the dance.' " Jenna sang the words to her. "No regrets, Sam. That's what the song is about. I would never trade the time that we have already spent together for anything in the world." Jenna kissed Sam and passion's tender flame was rekindled.

Their tender kiss was beginning to deepen when reality came crashing back to them. Someone was knocking on the door.

"Sam? Are you in there?"

The pair jumped apart and Jenna wiped away any remaining tears from her eyes.


"Yes, colonel? Come in."

Jack came through the door. "I was just looking for--" He broke off when he saw O'Shea standing there. "For the lieutenant. I was just wanting to ask her some questions."

"Yes, Sir. What would you like to know?"

"Well, first off, did you get the supplies that are necessary for an off-world assignment?"

"Yes. I do believe that Major Carter has helped me to make the correct selections in gear for this mission."

"She did, huh?" Jack looked at the two of them. He seemed to sense that there was a history of some sort between the two. "Did she tell you about the remote control?"

"Pardon, Sir?" Jenna looked at him with a confused look on her face.

"He means the G.D.O., the remote transmitter, Jenna." Sam informed her. "Sends back the code that lets the SGC know who's knocking on the door, so they will open the iris."

"And that way, we won't get squished like bugs on a windshield."

"Nice visualization, Colonel."

"It works for me, Sam." Jack replied, then turned to Jenna again. "I also wanted to ask about your experience with weaponry."

"I'm certified on everything that the Air Force currently uses. However, I prefer the MP-5 and the Sig-Saeur 9mm."

"Is that the sidearm you've decided to take with?"

"Yes, although I did see Sam pick up a very interesting item. Something that I've never seen before."

"Zat gun?" Jack asked Sam and she nodded a reply.

"What is a 'Zat' gun?"

"Well, O'Shea, it's a little piece of alien technology that we've brought back and made our own." Jack started.

"The full name of the weapon is zat'nik'atels. They are an energy based weapon, as far as we can tell. The first shot stuns you, and if you get hit with a second shot right away, it kills you." Jenna looked at Sam and wondered if it did anything else. Reading her expression, Sam continued. "If someone were to be hit a third time, again in quick succession with it, they would disappear without a trace."

"Sounds like an interesting weapon. When we get back from this mission, may I learn how to operate it?"

Jack merely grumbled in response. Then looking at his watch, "Five minutes to departure. Meet you in the embarkation room." He barked out and left without so much as a good-bye.

"Is he always like that?" Jenna asked after having waited for a few moments.

"Like what? Grouchy? Sarcastic? Or just rude in general?"

Jenna laughed. "All of the above?" She asked with a grin. Then, after turning to pick up her gear, she slung the bag over one shoulder. "Let's see what kind of an adventure we can find today."

A grin lit Sam's face. "I haven't used or heard that phrase for what seems to be an eternity."

"In some ways you can think of it as a whole other lifetime ago, but I would like to think of it as coming home." Jenna took one of Sam's hands in hers and gave it a squeeze. "I must say that as nervous as I am about all of this, I'm glad that I've found my way home to you."

"So am I, Jenna. So am I." Sam said softly and gathered her equipment. "Let's go, Jack can be grouchy if someone's late."

Jenna nodded her understanding and the set off for the embarkation room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Just before 0900 hours, the team gathered at the base of the ramp. Jenna was looking up at the Stargate in awe. This seemingly simple device was able to send people halfway across the universe. It almost didn't seem possible.

In another moment, the inner ring began to turn. There was a loud "Ka-Chunk", then:

"Chevron One engaged." Came over the loudspeakers.

"What's it doing?" Jenna asked.

"Dialing up the planet we're going to. Each chevron is a spatial marker. Six points in space for the destination planet and the seventh is the point of origin."

As Sam explained this, each of the chevrons engaged. When the last chevron locked into place, there was a 'Ka-whoosh' as the wormhole established itself.

Jenna jumped back in surprise, as the gate seemed to explode outward then collapse in on itself.

"Whoa......" She gasped in amazement.

"I know. Pretty amazing, isn't it?" Sam asked as she smiled at Jenna. Sam snickered as Jenna could only nod her head in answer.

Hammond's voice then came over the speakers. "SG-1 you are go for departure. Report on your progress in seventy-two hours."

"Yes, Sir." O'Neill responded, then, "Ok folks. Let's go."

The team headed up the ramp. Jack and Daniel were side by side and the first ones to walk through the gate. Teal'c followed next, leaving Sam and Jenna to go last.

"Is this safe?" Jenna asked with a nervous glance towards the shimmering surface.

"Perfectly. Well, unless you count that one time that Daniel.... Never mind. It's not important." Sam laughed as the color in Jenna's face faded.

"But--but--you--" Jenna stuttered.

"I'm kidding. Relax. Just walk through it and you'll be fine." Sam smiled at her. "See you on the other side." She then stepped through.

"Here goes." Jenna mumbled and followed a half step behind Carter.

Emerging on the other side, Jenna stumbled, tripping over her own feet.

"Wow." She said as she regained her footing and glanced around at her team mates, then back at the gate as the wormhole winked out of existence. Daniel and Sam both smiled at her.

"The first trip through is something, huh?" Daniel asked as he came to stand beside her. "At least you managed to come through still on your feet. The first time I want through, I ended up on my ass."

"And it wasn't the last time either." Jack put in as he scanned the terrain around them. "Ok, kiddies. Let's move out. I want to check out that city up ahead. Let's go make our presence known."

"Colonel. I don't think that will be necessary." Jenna spoke up.

"What Lieutenant?" He asked.

She simply pointed to a group of five figures in hooded robes that were now in front of them.

~"Who is it that stands before us?"~ One spoke in the language the transmission had been sent in.

Jack looked to O'Shea and asked softly, "Did you understand that?"

Jenna nodded once and began to respond in Gaelic. ~"We are the representatives of Earth that you have requested."~

~"State your names."~

"He would like to know our names. Colonel, you start and I'll translate."

As each member spoke, she translated his or her name and titles, until she reached herself. But one of the figures raised a hand and stopped her before she could speak.

~"We know these people as SG-1. Why were you added and not Hammond?"~

~"I was sent with this team to provide translation. I am the fifth one."~

~"Blessed are you that you know the language of the Elders."~

"What are they saying?" O'Neill asked, moving up to stand just behind Jenna.

"That I'm blessed to know the language."

"Yeah. How 'bout that?" Jack replied sardonically.

"Jack, it's just a coincidence."

"I'll believe that it's just a coincidence when pigs fly Daniel."

"I don't see why you're--"

"Daniel-- Colonel-- please." Jenna stepped between the two. "We can discuss this later." She looked first to Jack, then to Daniel. "Ok?"

Both gave a curt nod.

~"Is there something amiss?"~

~"No Elder. There is nothing wrong."~ Jenna replied quickly.

~"This is good then."~ He looked to all that were gathered. ~"For your comfort, we have prepared rooms for you. But there is one thing that we must ask of you."~

~"Yes, Elder?"~ She asked hesitantly.

~"We ask that you have separate rooms. We never allow unwed couples to share sleeping quarters. The men will go with Elder Connor."~ He said with a wave of his hand to a man on his left. ~"And the women will go with Elder Bronwyn."~ He motioned to the lone female in the group.

~"I understand."~ Jenna turned to her teammates. "We have to have separate quarters. Colonel, Teal'c and Daniel, you are to go with Connor. Sam and I are to go with Bronwyn." At the look of annoyance that passed across Jack's face, Jenna continued. "I'm sorry, sir. But it's local custom and I don't think it would be a good idea to oppose it."

"I agree, Jack." Daniel chimed in.

"Did I ask you, Daniel?" Jack asked with sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Well, uhm, no. But--" He was cut off by the Elder.

~"Is there a problem?"~ He asked sensing something wasn't right.

Jenna turned back around. ~"No, Elder, there is no problem. We are just unaccustomed to being separated from one another. But we will do as you have requested."~ She bowed her head in a gesture of respect.

The Elder smiled. ~"Good. Then let us lead you to your rooms. Also, it would please us if you were to wear the robes we have provided."~

~"Certainly, Elder. It would be an honor."~ Jenna turned to her team once again, "They would like for us to change into the robes they have provided."

~"Also, in honor of your arrival, we have prepared a feast."~ Elder Connor spoke.

~"That is very kind of you."~ When Jenna turned around to look at her team and once again translate, she saw Jack looking at her again-- impatience visible in his eyes.

"What now?" He snapped at her.

"Jack...." Daniel started but was cut off by Jenna.

"Dinner, Sir. They are inviting us to dinner."

Jack made a little "Oh" and looked away. Daniel only shook his head and sighed.

~"Elder Connor, we would be glad to partake of the feast."~

~"Splendid. Let us show you to your quarters, so that you may change and prepare for the feast."~

Everyone but Jack nodded his or her agreement. He simply responded with a barely heard:

"Splitting my team up.... Robes to wear.... Now a feast. Remind me again how much I love these assignments."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After dinner, Sam and Jenna were escorted back to their room.

During the walk to their room, Sam thought back to the last time they had spoken to each other four years ago. Jenna had accused Sam of not caring about her, but instead caring more about what the world thought. Looking back on the night when they had had that fight, Sam realized Jenna had been right.

"I haven't eaten like that since the last time I saw my cousins back in Ireland." Jenna's comment broke into Sam's musings as they entered their room.

"Hmm? Oh." Sam realized that her companion had spoken to her. "Was it Stephen and his clan or Katlyn and hers you were with?" Sam asked as she took her robe off.

Jenna took the elastic band from her hair, and ran her fingers through it. Letting it fall from the braid, she answered, "Actually, it was Kerra's and everyone else was there too." She paused for a moment, and stood thinking. "That was Christmas two years ago." She smiled at the memory. "It doesn't seem like it's been that long."

"You haven't been home to see any of your family in that long?" Sam asked in disbelief and took a step closer to Jenna.

"Goodness, no. I've seen my parents and brothers a few days here and there, but never had a meal like that with them." Jenna answered and began to take off the robe she'd been given to wear.

Sam stopped in her tracks as Jenna let the robe slip from her shoulders. Watching the robe cling to Jenna's body like a lover's hand as it slipped off was, for Sam, bordering on erotic. How she wished it were her hands that were caressing Jenna and not the material of the robe. Hell-- she admitted-- it was erotic.

Once the robe was off, it revealed the skintight tank top that Jenna had worn beneath her uniform, then under the robe. The bright white material hugged Jenna's every curve and accentuated the light tan of her body. Sam went weak in the knees as Jenna tossed the robe onto one of the beds. Reaching out a shaking hand, Sam trailed a finger softly down Jenna's arm.

Jenna went still as she felt the touch of former lover, and it brought back all the memories of their past. Turning slowly to look into her eyes, Jenna found an answer burning there that she had waited for four long years to see.

It was one that told her that Sam had made up her mind. Let the rest of the world be damned. We deserve this bit of happiness.

The moment that Jenna saw that look, she was on Sam. Wrapping her arms around her lover, Jenna pulled Sam close and pressed her lips to her lover's.

The kisses started out soft and gentle, as if they were allowing their bodies to remember what their hearts had never forgotten. Their hands roamed freely over the other's body, relearning the curves of the other's breasts, the flatness of their tummies and the spots that caused delightful sensations to race through their bodies.

Breaking the kiss, Jenna tugged Sam's shirt from her pants and ran her hands up under the t-shirt. Reaching her bra, Jenna was surprised to feel the soft material covering Sam's breasts. Caressing the hard, stiff peaks of her lover's nipples, Jenna smiled.

"Lace, Sam? Surprise, surprise."

Sam only smiled and whipped the shirt off, fully exposing her upper-body to Jenna's sight. Jenna ran her hands teasingly over both breasts, causing Sam to lean into her touch.

"Do you like that?" She asked, desire turning her voice silky and low. Sam only moaned and Jenna undid the front clasp. Taking the bra off completely, she leaned down to take a nipple into her mouth.

After a few seconds of playing with it, Jenna let it go. "How about that? Does it feel good?" Jenna didn't let her answer as she switched her attention to the other nipple.

Sam could only moan in response to her lover's questions. As Jenna kissed her way back up to her lips, Sam grabbed at the tank top, trying to pull it from Jenna's body.

Getting the message, she stepped back from Sam. She quickly stripped off all of her clothing, throwing them every direction in her haste to get back to her lover. And before Sam could react to what was happening, Jenna had her stripped and naked before her.

Jenna gazed at Sam's body and remembered it like it was yesterday that they had last been together-- not four years. "What a sight for sore eyes." She mumbled and took her lover's hand in hers, leading her to the bed furthest away from the door.

Sam lay down on the bed and pulled Jenna to her. Straddling herself over Sam's hips, Jenna smiled down at her.

Jenna enjoyed this position. For as much as Sam was a take charge kind of person in every other aspect of her life, she let her guard down when it came to the bedroom. As Jenna leaned down to kiss Sam, she captured her lover's hands and pulled them above her head. Keeping them pinned down with one hand, Jenna used the other to ever so softly caress Sam's skin.

Using feather light touches over the breasts and nipples of her lover, Jenna made Carter moan and arch her back.

"Please, Jenna. Please, I want to feel your hands on me.... I want to feel your lips on mine..." Sam begged of her. "Make love to me..."

Jenna's only answer was to let go of her lover's hands and with a slight shift of position, lean forward to kiss her.

This time, when their lips met, tenderness was but a fleeting memory as their hunger for one another was set free. Tongues made a passionate dance, hands gripped tightly and released, and moans of delight became their language.

Easing her way down the major's trim body, Jenna nipped lightly at the hard stiff peaks which were begging for attention. And as Jenna continued her way down her lover's body raining kisses and nibbles on every inch of skin, Sam's legs spread in eager anticipation.

Jenna ran her hands teasingly through the soft blond curls that covered the entrance to Sam's heated core. Dewy drops of moisture were already present. Slipping a finger in between the folds, Jenna felt how slick her actions had already made her lover and she smiled.

Sliding her finger up, Jenna touched Sam's clit ever so gently and was rewarded with a guttural moan. Smiling to herself, Jenna began to rub the hard little nub with increasing pressure until Sam began to buck against her hand. Sensing that Sam was coming close to orgasm, Jenna backed off. She wanted this first time to last more than a few minutes.

Grabbing a couple of the pillows, Jenna used them to prop her lover up. The angle caused Sam's legs to spread wide and allowed Jenna easy access to her lover's most intimate spot. Leaning down, Jenna pulled the moist lips apart and ran her tongue teasingly up and down the center of Sam's being. On each upstroke, Jenna lovingly caressed her clit. And on each down stroke, she played with the opening to Sam's vagina. This lasted for a few minutes, until once again she started bucking her hips trying to get Jenna to let her orgasm.

It had been so long since Sam had felt the incredible need for sexual release that when Jenna took her clit into her mouth, the orgasm that had been building, came swift and hard, shocking them both.

Sam was breathing in short gasps and shaking all over, while Jenna tried to ride out the storm as her lover's body quivered from her ministrations.

As the orgasm's final moments passed, Jenna moved up to stretch out beside her lover. Pulling her lover close to her, Jenna held on tightly. Knowing that sleep would soon overtake Sam, she didn't want to miss a precious moment of being able to hold her lover in her arms once again.

Jenna watched Sam's face relax and felt her breathing slow as she drifted off to sleep. Quiet peace settled over them as they lay there, bodies entwined. Sleep was something that was slow to come to Jenna. As she lay there, her thoughts drifted from the present to the past. To the last time they had been together.

Four years had passed since that fateful night. It was one that had started out so wonderful and ended so terribly. Their relationship had always been a study in polar extremes-- Happy, loving, and joyous times where neither one could do any wrong, to the times where the coin flipped and nothing was right-- accusations and jealousy ripping them apart.

It should have worked out-- for one cannot have light without dark, love without hate, or good without evil, but that night something tipped the balance and ripped them apart. Anger and jealousy had done its job well when Jenna had told her lover and friend that she cared more about what the world thought than about her. When Sam had been silent in return, Jenna had asked why. But, the only action Sam had taken then, was to pull her clothes on hurriedly and storm out of Jenna's home and heart. Never even saying good-bye to Jenna, or saying that she loved her, but couldn't handle this now.

Sam sighed softly and brought Jenna back to the present. Running a hand through Sam's shortened hair, Jenna heard her mutter something she had waited to hear for so long now.

"I love you" came out in a soft whisper and a part of Jenna's heart that she didn't know was missing found its way home. Then, with a smile upon her face, Jenna drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, when Sam woke up, she realized she was still in Jenna's arms and that her lover was still sleeping peacefully. Last night almost seemed like a dream. Sam couldn't count how many times she had dreamt of being held in her lover's arms, only to discover upon waking that it wasn't real. That her mind was playing a trick on her. But this morning, this time, it was real and looking about the room where clothes had been haphazardly thrown, was proof enough for Sam.

She smiled at Jenna with love in her eyes and decided to wake her up in a special way. Sliding ever so carefully out of her arms, Sam waited to see if Jenna would wake. When her lover didn't stir, Sam went to work. Leaning over Jenna's body, Sam began placing soft kisses on every inch of her skin that was within reach. Her hands roamed softly, gently over the hills and valleys of Jenna's body, stopping occasionally to play with the stiffening peaks of Jenna's nipples.

As Sam nipped and sucked at one of the stiff peaks, Jenna sighed deeply and arched her back, offering Sam access to both of her breasts. Never one to turn down a good thing, Sam began to fondle and caress both breasts. It wasn't until a few minutes later, as Sam traced a line down Jenna's tummy to play with the curly hair of her lover's womanhood, did Jenna awaken.

"Good morning." Sam said to the questioning look of her lover. Jenna smiled sleepily. Sam didn't wait to hear Jenna speak before she captured her lips in a kiss and slid a probing finger into her lover's center. Wetness, slick and hot, was encountered by Sam and she began to make slow strokes up and down. Sam circled Jenna's clit on every upstroke and on each down stroke, her fingers played in and around her lover's vagina. Breaking the kiss, Sam went to kneel between her lover's legs and spreading them gently, she leaned down and began to give back all the attention she had received.

Within moments of feeling Sam's tongue dancing around her clit and her fingers moving in and out of her hole, Jenna's body began shaking with an orgasm that worked its way from the center of her womb to every nerve ending in her body.

Placing a fist into her mouth to keep from crying out, Jenna rode the waves of pleasure to the end.

When her lover's body stopped quivering from the orgasm, Sam crawled back to Jenna's side. After kissing her softly, Sam lay down next to her, and wrapped her lover in her arms.

Jenna smiled, pushing the locks of hair from Sam's forehead.

"Good Morning indeed."

For a few minutes, the pair enjoyed the simple act of holding one another. That is, until they heard a noise from the radio across the room.

"Carter? O'Shea?" Jack's voice could barely be heard from the radio's ear piece. "Where in the hell are you? Carter?" His tone was getting nasty.

A sigh of disappointment escaped the lieutenant as Sam left her arms to pick up one of the radios. She did, however, enjoy the view as Carter sauntered back to the bed.

Putting the earpiece in place and adjusting the volume before she replied, Sam keyed the mike. "Yes, Colonel?"

"Where in the hell have you been?" Jack's annoyed tones came through loud and clear.

"Right here, sir." She answered and sat down.

"I've been trying for ten minutes to reach you."

She looked down at Jenna, giving her a wink and a smile. "There must have been interference of some sort, sir. We just now heard you."

There was silence for a few seconds from Jack. When he came back, "Meet us in the courtyard in ten mics." Was all he said.

"Understood, sir." She replied and looked at her watch. "Come on, Sleepyhead, time to get going. Team meeting in ten."

O'Shea rolled over to her back, and threw an arm over her eyes. "God, how I hate mornings."

"How you've survived so long in the Air Force hating mornings the way you do, amazes me."

"Well, let me tell you, volunteering for night shifts whenever you possibly can helps." She said with a grin and got up with a stretch.

Sam almost forgot that they had to be somewhere in a few minutes as she watched her companion gather their clothing, wearing nothing but a veil of long brunette hair and a smile, and pull out fresh items for them to wear.

Out in the courtyard, the guys were waiting. Jack was pacing back and forth in front of the bench where Teal'c was sitting and Daniel was busy looking at a pillar marked with symbols.

As Jenna and Sam came upon the scene, they took one look at Jack, and then glanced at each other.

"Man, who pissed in his coffee?" Asked Jenna softly, reading the Colonel's body language. This observation brought a snort of laughter from Sam.

Jack heard this and turned to glare at the pair. "You're late." He groused at them.

The pair glanced at their watches.

"By twenty seconds," they said in unison. "Sir."

Giving the pair a dirty look, "Daniel!" He barked out.

"Yeah Jack?" Daniel turned to him. "Oh, good morning." He said quickly to the pair as he pushed his glasses up.

"Colonel, what's going on?" Sam asked deciding to get the reason for this meeting.

"Did you notice anything weird in your quarters?"

"Define weird."

Jack focused his attention on Jenna. "Weird--as in out of the ordinary--not normal."

"Perhaps she wants definite proof of your suspicions, O'Neill." Teal'c put in.

"I don't have anything definite. If I did, we wouldn't be here right now discussing it." He looked around at his team. "Guys--just trust me on this one, will you? Something just doesn't feel right."

Sam looked at Jack. Those gut instincts had saved their collective asses before, so when he made mention of it now, she knew to take it seriously.

"Sir, we didn't notice anything out of the ordinary last night. But as soon as we get back to our quarters, we will do a thorough check."

"We need to get going. Remember--we're supposed to meet with the Elders and the Governing Council for breakfast."

"Thank you, Daniel. Must you keep reminding me about all this "diplomatic" crap?"

"Jack, I can't help it if you have such a problem with it, but we are trying to establish a relationship with these people."

Jack just responded with a glare in Daniel's direction.

A moment later, Jenna turned from the group to look at the Elders approaching them.

"Gentlemen, I suggest that we discuss this later."

At O'Shea's words, they turned to look behind them.

~"Is everything all right?"~ Asked Connor.

~"We were concerned when we found you gone from your quarters."~ Bronwyn explained.

~"Everything is fine, Elder Bronwyn. We just gathered here for a brief team meeting before joining you this beautiful morning."~ Jenna informed them pleasantly.

~"Was everything to your liking last night? The meal and your rooms?"~

~"Yes, Elder Darius, thank you. We are pleased with everything you have provided for us."~ The Elders smiled.

~"Then shall we make our way to the Meeting Hall?"~ Elder Mychael asked with a sweep of his hand in the direction of the hall.

~"Yes."~ O'Shea replied, then turned to her team. "Time for breakfast."

The two groups fell into step behind Elder Mychael as he lead the way to the meeting hall.

Jack fell into step beside Jenna. "Hey, O'Shea?" He started in a low voice. "What did they ask?"

"How we liked the meal and our accommodations."

"What did you tell them?"

Jenna looked at her superior as if he'd gone a little goofy. "Sir, what would make you think that I would even consider telling them about our suspicions?"

"Just checking... Just checking." He murmured as he dropped back to speak to Teal'c.

Daniel took this opportunity to step up beside her and ask some questions.

"So, uhm, I was wondering..." He started, picking at the hem of his sleeve. "How similar are the two languages?"

"Actually, they are pretty similar. It's incredible how little it's changed. You would think that my version, so to speak, would have changed considerably."

"Because of the influence of Earth's other languages." Daniel mused.

"Right-- new words slip in."

"Meanings of old words can change."

"Let's not forget slang-- "

"Especially of the American style."

Sam was having fun watching the two of them throw ideas back and forth. It provided a break for her. Not that she didn't like when she and Daniel got into their discussions-- it was one of the best things to happen to her in the last four years. But the major had missed sharing her ideas with someone who wouldn't get angry with her when she got long-winded. And heavens knew that Jenna had the capability to be long-winded herself when she chose to be. Daniel would prove to be a good sparing partner for the lieutenant.

After a brief walk, the group arrived at their destination in the middle of the village-- the meeting hall.

~"The governing council is eager to meet you."~ Mychael announced.

~"And we are eager to meet them as well."~

The Elders stepped inside the hall, followed closely by SG-1.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Surprise lit the team's eyes as they walked in and noticed how the hall had been transformed from the brightly decorated room of last night's feast, to the somber setting for this morning's activities.

Flowers and candles still adorned the walls, although the arrangements were smaller and less colorful than before. Where last night there had been more than twenty tables spread through the room, now only three were set up to form the sides of a triangle. Each table had five chairs for the members who had gathered here.

As the Elders went to their table, Bronwyn stayed with SG-1. Motioning Jenna to follow her, she walked to the middle chair.

~"Please. Come sit here. The center seat is for the one of most importance."~

~"But I can not. Colonel O'Neill is the leader of our group."~ She protested. ~"He should be seated here."~

~"No, Jenna. As the voice of your people, you must sit here."~

Bronwyn pointed to the chair to the left of Jenna's. ~"O'Neill may sit here. It will show that he is a very important person to you, and will be recognized as such."~

Jenna nodded her understanding, then asked, ~"What of the others? Is there any order that they should sit in?"~

~"The two closest to you are the positions of importance for this meeting."~

~"Thank you."~ Jenna turned to her team. "Colonel, I need you to sit to my left and Daniel, you need to be on my right. Sam and Teal'c, it's up to you where you want to sit."

And as they sat down, Sam next to Daniel and Teal'c next to Jack. The meeting began.

After the meeting had ended, the Elders and SG-1 walked from the meeting hall as one group. The first steps to a diplomatic relationship had been established. Jenna had translated well during the meeting. There were only a few terms and phrases that she had to think of the appropriate phrasing before translating.

The governing council were pleased to know that there was someone with the same lineage as them helping to open talks between the two worlds. Jack had been amazingly helpful with the negotiations, as well as Daniel. So far, the governing council had agreed to let some of the scholars of the Taur'i come to visit with their people. It was an important step in the exchanging of knowledge between the worlds.

The group stopped in the same courtyard where they had meet earlier in the day.

~"We are pleased that this meeting was so successful. You were extremely knowledgeable about everything."~ Mychael spoke into the silence that everyone had shared.

~"Yes, Elder Mychael. We are also pleased."~ Jenna looked to Jack and Daniel. ~"But without the help of my colleagues, I would have been lost. They are far better than I am."~ She said with a smile.

~"Do you not travel with them often?"~ Bronwyn asked.

~"No. This is my first time. So I am as new to this as you are."~

~"It must be very exciting for you."~

~"That it is. I must say that being here is just like being with my relatives. I feel as if I am at home here."~ Jenna turned to look again at Daniel. ~"My teammate and I were wondering if there are any tales of how your people came to be here on Secaria."~

~"There are stories of our arrival here from the homeland many, many years ago."~ Mychael spoke in response, and fell silent.

~"It is a story that is shared only among the Elders."~ Bronwyn looked to the other Elders. ~"It is something that only a few are allowed to know."~

O'Shea looked at her with confusion on her face. ~"I don't understand. Why do you not tell the story to all of your people?"~

~"There are parts that are told to our people, but it is feared that if they knew the entire story, that there would be.."~ She paused for a moment. ~"Problems."~

~"I don't-- "~

Jenna was cut off by Bronwyn. ~"Meet me in the square at sundown, and I will take you to my home and tell you the story. You can then decide for yourself."~

O'Shea nodded and went to join her team mates as the groups parted ways.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sam awoke with a start at the small noise that had penetrated her subconscious. She realized with alarm that she had dozed off-- something that had never happened before on a mission.

Looking about the room, she noticed that the lamps she had lit while waiting for Jenna to return were no longer burning. The only light now present in the room was from the sliver of the moon, riding high in the night sky.

"Jenna?" Sam called out as she heard a footstep. "Is that you?"

No answer.

"Jenna?" She sat up and saw the shadowy outlines of two figures just before she heard the zat gun fire.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was well past midnight when O'Shea made her way to the quarters she shared with Sam. As she reached the door, she noticed it was slightly ajar and the lamps in the room were not burning.

Her instincts were telling her that something had happened to Carter. There could be no logical explanation as to why Sam would have let the lamps die out. Pulling her knife from its holder on her belt, she cautiously entered the room.

Her years of training took over as she made a sweep of the room. No one was hidden and there were no signs of a struggle. Taking a more detailed glance around the room, Jenna noted that the pile that made up their gear was missing. She was left with all that she carried. Her knife-- which was an item that never left her side-- a G.D.O., and her wits. It was now time to prove her worth as a soldier. She would do whatever it took to rescue her team, and show O'Neill that she could handle herself on a mission.

Dawn came with Jenna making final preparations for her mission. She had used the final hours of darkness to move closer to the old temple where Bronwyn had told her strange things were occurring. On the edge of the village, backed by trees, it was an old building no longer used by the people of Secaria.

O'Shea wasn't sure what convinced her that this place would be where her team had been taken to, but some deep inner force drew her to it.

After finishing the braid in her hair to make her look like one of the native Secarians, she pulled her robe tighter about her and made for the doors of the temple.

Inside, it felt as if someone was guiding her steps to take her to a set of stairs. This staircase was at the back of the main room and lead down into darkness. Treading a careful path, she made her way to the lowest level.

Here, the darkness was broken by lamps set high on shelves along the wall. Set every ten feet or so, the lamps let her see enough to make out a long passageway. O'Shea turned left and worked her way down the tunnel, stopping to check every door she passed on her way. It was at the fourth door, that she meet with success.

"Jenna" Sam whispered. "What are you doing here?"

"Trying to save you." Came her whispered response.

"How did you get in here?" Asked Jack.

"Does that matter right now?" She asked searching around the door, trying to figure out how to open it quickly.

"Were there any guards?" From Teal'c.

"No. That's why I'm trying to figure this out so fast. I don't like it."

Just as Jenna said this, a voice came from the shadows behind her.

~"What are you doing? Step away from there."~

"Shit." Jenna mumbled and backed away from the door.

~"Put your hands where I can see them."~

As Jenna put her hands up, the team could see the shape step into the light. It was a Jaffa guard and he had a zat gun in hand. He stepped closer to her.

~"Now tell me what you were doing."~

~"I was doing nothing."~

~"I heard you speak in the language of the Taur'i. Who are you?"~ He asked getting impatient.

~"I am no one important."~

~"Turn around."~ The voice commanded from right behind her.

Jenna hesitated for only a millisecond before she wheeled around and gave him a good right hook to the chin. The guard only blinked at her, and as she brought her other hand up to try to knock the gun from his hand, he fired.

As the energy discharge pulsed through her body, Jenna's world faded to black as consciousness fled from her.

Sam felt a silent scream tear through her as she watched her lover's body go limp and fall into a heap in front of the guard. Sam's heart felt like it was going to stop beating--she couldn't breathe, she couldn't scream, all she could do was watch in horror as the guard grabbed Jenna's arms and dragged her away.

As the two disappeared into the shadows, Sam's knees gave out on her and she thumped to the floor where she sat in shock.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Consciousness returned to Jenna in a crashing wave, and as it did so, her first reaction was to fight, to strike out at what was holding her down.

She opened her eyes when she heard the amused laughter of someone. As her eyes focused on the person, she saw that it was one of the Elders.

~"Why are you doing this? Who are you?"~

"You do not know my name?"

Jenna's eyes widened in surprise as she heard him speak in English.

"That's right. I know the language of you pesky Taur'i." As he spoke, Jenna heard a strange sound in his voice. "And since you know the local language, I would guess that you should know my name. It is Belatu-Cadros."

"The ancient Celtic God of War?"

"So you do know me? Tell me," he came closer to her and ran the back of his hand down her cheek, "How does a pretty little soldier like you know how to speak my language?"

Jenna flinched and turned her head away from his touch. Grabbing her chin in his hand, he forced her to look at him head on.

"You will look at your God when he is speaking to you." He said in anger and his eyes glowed.

"You are not my god. And you are no god." Jenna announced through clenched teeth. She tried to shake off the hands that were holding her tight.

Belatu-Cadros let go of her chin and took a step back away from her. He let out an amused laugh.

"Take her to my chambers." He ordered the guards. "You are a spirited one. I think I shall enjoy this." He told her as the guards began to drag her toward the door.

Sheer terror began to course through Jenna as the meaning of the words hit her.

"No! NO!" She shrieked, increasing her efforts to break loose. "NOOO!!!"

"Yes," Belatu-Cadros stated to himself, "I will most definitely enjoy this one."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

SG-1 sat in silence after Jenna had been taken away. Jack was upset that he could do nothing to prevent his team from being captured. Then to have their only chance of rescue taken away before their eyes--it made him sick.

"Sam?" Jack asked, moving closer to where she sat with her knees pulled up to her chest, arms wrapped tightly around her legs. "Sam, can I ask you something?"

She reacted with surprise when she realized that Jack was right next to her. "Uhmm... yes, Colonel?"

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Why?"

"You just seem a little out of it." After looking at Teal'c and Daniel, he dropped his voice to a whisper and continued. "And you have been since Jenna was taken. Wanna tell me what's going on?"

"I don't understand, Sir." Sam feigned innocence.

"Oh, I think that you do, Sam. How do you know Jenna?"

"We were at the same post a few years back."

"And?" He asked trying to look her directly in the eyes.

Sam turned her head. "And what Sir? We're just friends."

Jack was silent for a few moments as he took in how her body language told him more than what she was telling him. "I'll let it go for now, Sam. But if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you."

"Yes, Sir." She replied and nodded her head.

Jack looked down at his hands, knowing that when she was ready, Sam would talk with him.

A silent and tense two hours later, two Jaffa guards appeared at the door to their cell.

"On your feet. Now!" One of the guards barked out the command. When the team didn't respond, the second Jaffa readied his Zat and took aim at Daniel.

Jack jumped up, "There's no need for that. Let's go team."

SG-1 was escorted by the guards to the central room of the temple that they had not been allowed to see on their tour of the city. As they entered the room, they were shocked by the sight that awaited them. Jenna was on her knees, head down, hands bound together in front of her. Behind her on a raised dais, sitting grandly in a chair, was one of the Elders that had met them and escorted them around.

They stopped in their tracks just inside of the door.

"Ah, the famous SG-1. Welcome to my humble abode. Please, do come in."

When they made no effort to move on their own, the Jaffa pushed then in. Grunts and muffled swear words erupted from the team.

"Your friends are here, Little One. Don't you want to see them again?" Jenna remained motionless, much to Belatu-Cadros's dislike.

Grabbing her by the hair, he pulled her head up. Jenna's body offered no resistance to his forceful manipulations. As the Lieutenant's face was revealed, Sam felt her heart stop when she saw what had been done to her. The rest of the team tensed up at the sight.

Bruises were beginning to form on her face--her left eye was swollen, a dried trail of blood led from the corner of her mouth down her chin. On her neck were bruises in the shape of a hand, where it was evident someone had tried to strangle her.

"Look at your friends, Little One. This is the last time you will see them alive." His eyes glowed in anger as Jenna ignored him. "I said open your eyes and look at them!"

When Jenna still did not respond, Belatu-Cadros backhanded her across the face.

Jenna crumpled to the floor, her robe billowing over and around her hands. And as much pain as she was in, Jenna knew that the only way to save her teammates and lover, was to attack and pray that she would have the strength to defeat him.

As Belatu-Cadros turned his attention to her team, the Lieutenant carefully gathered the hem of her robe trying to find the item she had hidden there.

"On your knees, Taur'i. You will die kneeling before your God."

"You are a false god." Teal'c began after having been forced to his knees.

"You dare to speak to me, Shol'va? I know of how you betrayed Apophis." Belatu-Cadros practically sneered at Teal'c. "How you have helped these wretched Taur'i to kill so many of us."

"It has to be done. You are all false gods and I am a slave to one no longer."

While the two were in the middle of their debate, Jenna was able to use the knife she had hidden in her robe. After cutting the bindings from her wrists, she slowly flexed her hands, trying to ease the stiffness.

In another moment, Belatu-Cadros turned to Jenna and saw that she still lay where she had fallen.

"Look at you now, Little One. Where has your warrior's spirit gone?" He looked at her in disgust when she looked to him with defeat filling her eyes. "You disappoint me, Little One. I thought you had more fight in you than this."

"I wouldn't give you the satisfaction." Jenna mumbled through clenched teeth.

"You will pay for your insolence." With eyes glowing once more in anger, Belatu-Cadros reached down to grab Jenna by the front of her robe and haul her to her feet.

As Jenna began to rise, she came to life. Springing up, she surprised him as she swung her right hand up, bearing the knife. She was able to slash him from navel to collar bone as her arm traced an arc upwards. As she brought the knife down to stab Belatu-Cadros, his surprise had passed and he called out:

"Jaffa Kree!"

The split second it took for Jenna to begin her attack, SG-1 realized that in endangering her life in the attack on the Goa'uld, she was giving them the chance to escape. But leaving a member of the team behind was not an option. So as the Jaffa went to stop the Lieutenant's attack, SG-1 jumped up to delay them.

Sam and Jack had looks of hatred on their faces as they attacked the guards and they made quick work of stopping them.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sam saw Belatu-Cadros begin to use a ribbon device on her lover.

'Jenna... Oh God no... No!'

Sam's mind screamed as she watched Jenna's arm droop and Belatu-Cadros took the weapon from her weakened grip.

"Such a pathetically simple device. It's such a pity that you tried to kill me with it. For that -- my little warrior -- is how you shall die."

Letting out a warrior's cry, Sam charged at the monster, but he simply flicked his hand at her. The device's shock wave knocked her to the ground.

Sam landed at Daniel's feet and as he bent to help her up, Jack and Teal'c made sure the guards would not attack them a second time.

It was during the few fateful seconds that the team's attention was turned from O'Shea and her attacker, that the knife was wielded with deadly accuracy. The move that Jenna had intended to make was turned against her.

The knife had been plunged into her chest, in an upward angle so that the cold unfeeling steel found its intended target -- her heart.

Pushing her away from him, he ripped the blade from her chest and took a few steps away from her. Throwing the knife away, he lifted his hand to activate a set of transport rings and was gone in a flash.

Sam watched in mute horror as Jenna's body hit the floor like a pile of rags. Screaming her name, she bowled over her team mates to reach her lover's side.

Jack turned back to look at where Jenna had stood and instead saw the lieutenant on the floor. Blood was beginning to seep through her uniform and robe at a rate that he knew she wouldn't be able to survive. Then, seeing the look on the major's face, he turned to Daniel and Teal'c. "Go and see if there are any more guards. I don't want anymore surprises." At Daniel's hesitant look, he yelled, "Go!"

The pair reluctantly left the room.

"Jenna? Jenna!" She yelled at her. "Wake up!" Kneeling down, she put her hands over the wound, trying desperately to staunch the flow of blood. "Damn it! Don't you dare die on me! Do you hear me?"

Jenna struggled to open her eyes and whispered, "Sam--" She gasped as pain flashed across her face. "I-- "

Sam shook her head. "No--save your strength." She looked up when she noticed Jack kneeling across from her. "Colonel, we need to get her home."

"Sam," he started softly. "How? We don't have a G.D.O." He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Robe--hem--" Jenna tried to speak, but closed her eyes as the effort strained her too much.

"What?" He asked looking up into a set of shocked blue eyes.

"Check her robe, sir. Jenna, hang in there." Sam blinked back the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes. Jenna's face was starting to lose its color despite her tan. "We're gonna take you home."

Struggling to once more open her eyes, Jenna whispered, "Not... gonn'... make... it. Cold.... so cold."

"Jenna. Don't. Please." Sam begged, locking eyes with the one person that made her feel whole.

" 'The Dance', Sam. Rem'ber that.." She looked into the eyes of her lover and gave a weak smile. "Love.... you.... Sam."

And with one final gasp, Jenna was gone. Sam watched as Jenna's face relaxed, bringing an almost serene expression to her features, and then felt her lover's body still.

"Found it!" Jack announced holding up the G.D.O. "Let's go. Let's get her back to Doc Fraiser."

"It wouldn't do any good sir." Sam sat back on her heels and stared down at her blood covered hands.

Disbelief was evident in his eyes as he glanced up at Sam.

"She's gone, sir." She spoke in a monotone--no emotion on her face or in her voice.

Jack knelt opposite of Sam once again and pressed a hand against Jenna's neck to check for a pulse. Finding none, he reached up and lowered her eyelids. He looked his team mate in the eye. "I'm sorry." He spoke softly, knowing there was nothing more he could do for her or Jenna at the moment.

Daniel and Teal'c came running back into the room.

"Jack! There's no other guards. Let's--" He stopped when he noticed the grim expressions on the faces of his team mates. "She's gone, isn't she?"

Sam gave a small nod of her head.

"Oh, Sam," he said on a sigh. "I'm sorry."

Sam closed her eyes, drew in a deep breath and released it.

'Focus, Sam. Pull yourself together. Get her home where she belongs.'

Opening her eyes, Sam looked to her team. "Let's get her home. Another team can come in and establish diplomatic relations." She rubbed her hands on her pants to remove some of the blood from her sight. That done, she crossed Jenna's arms over her chest and was preparing to pick her up. Sam struggled to stand with her precious bundle.

"Allow me, MajorCarter." Teal'c spoke into the silence which had descended upon the group. "It would be an honor to escort this brave warrior on her journey home."

Sam nodded and he took Jenna from her arms to make the journey to the Stargate and then home.

The team made the trip to the Stargate in somber silence. Each member busy with their thoughts; playing "what if?" in their heads.

What if I had noticed the presence of the Goa'uld sooner?--Teal'c

What if I had insisted on talking to Bronwyn with her?--Daniel

What if I had listened to my instincts?--Jack

What if I hadn't let her go last night?--Sam

As Daniel began to dial up home, the remaining Elders approached the team.

Wary looks from SG-1 met with looks of sorrow from the four.

Bronwyn stood in front of her companions and watched as Daniel punched the last chevron and placed his hand on the red dome in the middle. The gate whooshed open and everyone seemed to know that this would be the last time they would see one another.

Bronwyn stepped in front of Teal'c and looked at Jenna. Her newly found friend was too still in the tall man's arms. She reached out a hand to touch Jenna's shoulder and after a few moments, it became apparent why she was so still. Bronwyn whispered words softly to Jenna's form and stepped away from the pair.

Sam watched her closely and wondered what it was that the Elder had whispered.

Signaling to Connor to come closer to her, Bronwyn took the scroll he had pulled from his robe. With a deep breath, Bronwyn moved to stand in front of Jack and spoke in halting, broken English.

"For- you- O'Neill of Earth. Please accept." She held it out to him.

Jack took the scroll without any comment. Glancing at his team, he punched in the code on the G.D.O. and spoke quietly:

"Let's go home."

The Elders watched in silence as their visitors stepped into the gate and vanished.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back at the SGC......

"What's going on Sergeant?" Hammond asked as he entered the control room.

"Incoming travelers." Tech. Sgt. Milovovich announced.

"No one's due back yet. Who is it?" He asked impatiently.

"It's SG-1's signal, Sir."

"Open the iris." Hammond ordered.

'Why are they coming home early?' He asked himself.

"Medical team to the gate room!" He yelled into the P.A. It was the only reason he knew that would bring the team home early on this type of mission. Thoughts of which one might be injured flashed through his mind.

Just moments after the order for the medics left his lips, he saw Sam and Teal'c step through the gate.

"Dear God." He muttered softly when he saw Lt. O'Shea's limp body in Teal'c's arms, blood staining her uniform. With a glance at Sam, Hammond saw blood on her hands and uniform. He turned and quickly jogged to the stairs.

As Jack and Daniel came through the gate, Hammond entered the room.

"What happened? Is she...?" He let it hang.

"She's gone, Sir." Sam finished the sentence he hadn't wanted to voice.

"Are you ok?" He asked with a glance to her hands.

"Yes." She answered simply, then looked up as Janet and her team rushed into the room.

Janet quickly gave the team a cursory glance, then rushed to Teal'c and Jenna.

As she reached for a pulse-- "Doc." The major's pain-filled blue eyes met the doctor's worried brown. "She didn't make it."

Janet nodded in understanding. "And the rest of you?"

"Just some bumps and bruises." Daniel muttered.

"I still want to check everyone out." Janet signaled for the two airmen standing by the gurney. They brought it to the edge of the ramp and Teal'c placed Jenna's body upon it. The airmen placed a sheet over her and wheeled her away.

Hammond looked at his team as the stood in silence watching their fallen comrade being taken away.

"Report to the Infirmary for your post mission exam. Debriefing in two hours." He ordered and they followed Janet through the door.

Two hours later, SG-1 entered the conference room and took the seats they had occupied an incredibly long two days ago. Everyone looked to the empty chair at the end of the table, as Hammond entered the room.

Taking a seat, he cleared his throat and brought their attention back to where they were and why they were there. "Well, Colonel. Would you care to explain what happened? Why did I lose a Lieutenant?"

"I believe we were set up, Sir." O'Neill informed him.

"Set up?" Hammond asked incredulously.

"Yeah. One of the Elders was a Goa'uld."

"A Goa'uld? And you didn't sense it?" He looked to Carter then to Teal'c. "You didn't see anything?"

"No, Sir." Carter answered and averted her eyes from his. "I didn't."

"Nor I, GeneralHammond." Teal'c began. "It was not until we were ambushed by Jaffa guards, that we knew of their presence."

"Was she captured with you?"

"No." Daniel answered before anyone else had a chance to. "She was caught while attempting to rescue us."

"And why was she not with the rest of you?"

The group cast glances around the table at each other before Daniel spoke up. "Um-- General Hammond-- Sir. Actually we were split into separate quarters to begin with."

As Hammond began to speak, Daniel stopped him with a gesture.

"We were observing a local custom, sir. We didn't see anything wrong with it at the time."

The general's gaze fell on Carter. "Why wasn't she with you?"

After the question was spoken, everyone focused their attention on the major. It seemed as if the general had voiced the one question that had burned in all their minds.

She drew in a deep breath and collected her thoughts. It was a few moments before she spoke.

"Lt. O'Shea had been working with Elder Bronwyn on some of the differences between their version of the Gaelic language and hers."

"And teaching her some English, as well." Daniel added, remembering the few words that Bronwyn had spoken to Jack.

"That's all well and good, but I still don't have an answer. Why was she away from the team at all? Carter, why did you let her go alone?"

"I didn't see any danger in allowing her to go, sir. She had wanted to speak to the Elders about how they came to be on that world. They are the only ones that the story of creation is told to. It's a living story, no one writes it down since it is passed down the line in story form."

"And I would have been the one to listen to the stories, general, if I had only known their language." Daniel spoke softly, and sighed. "Then she wouldn't have been alone and things might have turned out differently." He stopped and looked down at his hands.

Dr. Fraiser chose this moment to walk into the conference room. "I apologize for my delay." She said as she pulled out a chair to sit down. "I just had a couple of things I had to finish up."

Hammond nodded in understanding and waited for her to open her notepad. "What can you tell us, Doctor?"

"As I'm sure that you're all aware of, the cause of death is from the wound she sustained to her heart. The knife punctured both of her ventricles, as well as her lung." She looked at her notes. "Even if this had occurred here, where medical assistance is close at hand, she would not have made it. The damage was too extensive for surgical repair."

The words hit the team like a ton of bricks. It hit them hard knowing that nothing would have been able to save her; that treatment was a moot point.

As the debriefing wound to a close, and the final comments were ready to be made, Hammond looked around the table at the members of his flagship team.

The death of Lt. O'Shea seemed to have had a terrific impact on them all. Though she was only assigned to and worked with them for two days, O'Shea had made quick friends of them all. Making a decision on what to do was difficult, because he wanted to get this team onto another assignment. Yet he knew that they were going to need some closure to the events that had transpired.

"As of right now, SG-1 is on stand down." The general began and received questioning looks from everyone. "I would like everyone to attend the funeral of Lt. O'Shea in two days. You will then have a forty-eight hour leave."

"And what about the mission to P4X-978 with SG-12 next week?" Jack asked somberly.

"I can reschedule that, Colonel." He replied. "The most important thing right now, is to come to terms with this event and bring closure to it." The team gave a nod as one. "Until you report for duty in four days, you are dismissed." Everyone stood when Hammond did and began gathering their notes.

One by one everyone took their leave, that is everyone but Sam and Janet. The major looked to Janet and knew there was more to the post mortem than she had spoken about.

"Janet?" Sam asked softly, getting her attention.

"Yes, Sam?"

"Can I ask you something?"

Janet watched as Jack ended the procession through the door. "Sure."

"Was there anything else that you didn't tell us?"

Janet stalled for a few moments by re-stacking her already neat pile. "Sam- I--"

"There was, wasn't there?" Sam's face was an open book and Janet could read the pain and confusion there.

"Yes." She paused for a moment considering how she was going to say it. Deciding that straight-forward was the answer, she spoke. "She was raped."

A look of pure pain twisted Sam's face.

"That's why I didn't say anything. You're dealing with enough as it is."

"Janet.... That explains why she fought like she did. And why she was willing to risk her life to save ours."

Confusion now raced across Janet's face. "What do you mean?"

"She'd been raped before. She barely survived. But, she'd made a vow to herself that it would never happen again. That no man would have power over her. That's why she joined the Air Force-- so she could learn how to defend herself. She never wanted to be vulnerable again."

"I'm sorry, Sam. This is why I didn't disclose it to the team. I felt that it would be better this way, and the general agreed."

"And I can guess that another reason he didn't tell us-- especially me-- was I was to watch out for her. It was my responsibility to make sure nothing happened to her. I let them both down." She fell silent for a moment.

Then, with a deep breath, she looked at Janet. "Thank you for telling me. It doesn't ease the pain any, but it tells me why." Sam ran a shaky hand through her hair. "I guess I'll see you later."

As she turned and began to walk out of the room, Janet noticed the slumped shoulders, the slow pace and wished that there was more she could do.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

// Holding you, I held everything //
// For a moment wasn't I the king //
// But if I'd only known how the king would fall //
// Hey who's to say-- you know I might have changed it all //

Sam's mind flashed to the last night that she and Jenna had shared. How she had enjoyed being wrapped in her lover's arms again.

// And now, I'm glad I didn't know //
// The way it all would end, the way it all would go //
// Our lives are better left to chance, I could have missed the pain //
// But I'd of had to miss the dance //
// Yes, my life it's better left to chance //
// I could have missed the pain but I'd have had to miss the dance //

The song's mournful ending washed over Sam, the dull ache that had started the moment her lover had died, sharpened a little more.

Picking up the shot glass, Sam wished that the liquid it had held could cure her pain. Sighing deeply, she set the glass back on the bar with a little push to move it out of her way. Leaning forward, the major rested her head upon her crossed arms, and tried to stop feeling-- remembering.

A new song started on the jukebox and as the words began to flow from the speakers, Sam gave half a thought to strangling whoever it was that had selected the songs.

// I said hello I think I'm broken //
// And for awhile was only joking //
// It took me by surprise when you agreed // // I was trying to be clever //
// For the life of me I never would have guessed how far the simple truth would lead //
// You knew all my lines, you knew all my tricks //
// You knew how to heal the pain no medicine can fix //

// And I bless the day I met you //
// And I thank God that he let you stand beside me for a moment that lives on //
// And the good news is I'm better for the time we spent together //
// But the bad news is you're gone //

// Looking back it's still surprising //
// I was sinking, you were rising //
// With a look you caught me in mid-air //
// And I know God has his reasons, //
// But sometimes it's hard to see them //
// To lie awake to find that you're not there //
// You put hope in hopeless, you made crazy sane //
// You became the missing link that helped me break my chains //

// And I bless the day I met you //
// And I thank God that he let you stand beside me for a moment that lives on //
// And the good news is I'm better for the time we spent together //
// But the bad news is you're gone //
// The bad news is-- you're gone //

As the last of the notes poured out, Sam felt a hand on her shoulder and the gentle touch stirred her from her thoughts.

"Jen--" She began to say as she turned to look towards the person now standing beside her.

Concerned brown eyes gazed back at Carter as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Wh-- What are you doing here?"

"Steve called." Janet's soft voice announced. "He was concerned about you; said you were drinking a lot and didn't want you driving."

"He called to tell you that I was drunk?" She asked as she stood, angry indignation began to fill her. "I'll have you know-- I never get drunk." Sam reached into her pocket and pulled out a wad of bills.

Without counting them, she threw them onto the bar. "I know how to handle my liquor-- if nothing else. So you don't have to worry about me."

With that, the major started on an awkward path to the exit.

"Sam, wait! Sam!"

Waving a hand in dismissal, she yelled out: "Go away, Janet. I don't need you." as she reached the door.

Janet followed quickly in Carter's wake outside and found her struggling to put the keys into the lock. Sam's control over her emotions was a lost cause as she began to punch and kick the car's door.

"Why? God Jenna why?" She wailed to the heavens. "It's not fair! It's not fair!"

Janet watched for a moment and felt her heart breaking at the sight of Sam's breakdown. She had sensed that this might happen and was grateful for Steve's call to her.

Punching the door one last time, Carter slumped against it, sobs wracking her body. The dam of emotional control that she had put up came crashing down and she let the feelings that had been caged up behind it, flow freely over her.

The doctor in Janet saw the signs of post traumatic stress, but the woman in her saw the heartbreak and loss. Seeing her good friend so vulnerable and helpless made Fraiser realize how the loss of Jenna had affected Sam.

Janet reached out a shaking hand to her friend. "Sam. I'm here." She started softly.

The major turned to her and Janet pulled her into a hug, holding her close. She gave Sam a moment to calm herself before she spoke again.

"Now, Sam, you don't have to answer, but I want to ask you something." Fraiser pulled back a little to look into Carter's eyes. Sensing no hesitation or reluctance to answer, Janet continued. "You loved her, didn't you? She was more than a friend and teammate?"

As new tears spilled from her eyes, Sam nodded her head. "Yes. So much more that that, but I was a fool."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I missed out on four years of being with her. Four years of sharing things with her. Do you know how hard it was to lie to her family? To look them in the eyes and say-- 'We regret to inform you that--' Oh, hell, Janet." She pulled from Janet's embrace and crossed her arms across her chest. "I could see it in their eyes that they knew it was more than a training accident. But because of what we do-- so much of what she did-- was-- is classified, I can't tell them. They didn't like their baby being in the Air Force, but they'd accepted it because it made her happy."

"Did they know about you?"

"They knew we were close friends. They didn't and don't know any more than that."

"Are you going to tell them?"

Sam looked up at her in surprise. "What?"

"You were there when she died, Sam. I'm sure that they'd like to know that she wasn't alone when she died-- that someone who loved her was with her."

Sam smiled through her tears. "I certainly do love her. And the short time that we spent together before she died showed me how deep that love is. I wish I could have the last four years back-- to change what happened between us. But she knew in her heart that it was better that way. She didn't want to miss the dance. That's so clear to me now."

Janet looked at Sam, confusion clear in her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"It's a long story." She answered simply.

"Let me take you home and you can tell it to me. I'm a good listener." She slipped a hand into Sam's and held it.

"I think I'd like that."

And in silence, they walked hand in hand to Janet's car to begin their journey.


Continue on the journey with Sam and Janet, Learning to Live Again.

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